- Gothic revival
- 1. готическое Возрождение2. нео-готика
English-Russian architecture dictionary. 2015.
English-Russian architecture dictionary. 2015.
Gothic Revival — [ gɔθɪk rɪ vaɪvəl; englisch »gotische Wiederbelebung«] das, (s), in England im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert Stilrichtung der Architektur und des Kunstgewerbes, die auf Formelemente der Gotik zurückgriff. Nach vereinzelten Anklängen (J. Vanbrugh, N.… … Universal-Lexikon
Gothic Revival — the return to a Gothic style in British architecture that occurred between the middle of the 18th century and the middle of the 19th century. Many British churches were built in the new Gothic style, also called neo Gothic, and are often more… … Universalium
gothic revival — noun Usage: usually capitalized G&R : an artistic style or movement of the 18th and 19th centuries inspired by and imitative of the Gothic style especially in architecture * * * Gothic revival noun The more serious revival of the Gothic style of… … Useful english dictionary
Gothic revival — Style néogothique Gratte ciel Tribune Tower, à Chicago … Wikipédia en Français
Gothic Revival — Votivkirche Wien von Heinrich Ferstel, 1856–1879 Neugotischer Hochaltar in der Pfarrkirche von … Deutsch Wikipedia
Gothic Revival architecture in Canada — is an historically influential style, with many prominent examples. The Gothic Revival was imported to Canada from Britain and the United States in the early nineteenth century, and rose to become the most popular style for major projects… … Wikipedia
GOTHIC REVIVAL ARCHITECTURE — Gothic Revival architecture can be seen as part of the general trend of Romanticism that characterized mid 18th through mid 19th century European culture, and while it reached its high point from 1830 to 1870, a continued interest in the… … Historical Dictionary of Architecture
Gothic Revival architecture — Notable Neo Gothic edifices: top: Palace of Westminster, London; left: Cathedral of Learning, Pittsburgh; right: Sint Petrus en Pauluskerk, Ostend … Wikipedia
Gothic Revival — Go|thic Re|vi|val [ ri vaiv(ə)l] das; [s] <zu engl. revival, vgl. ↑Revival> auf Formelemente der Gotik zurückgreifende Stilrichtung der Architektur u. des Kunstgewerbes in England im 18. u. 19. Jh … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
Gothic Revival — noun Date: 1869 an artistic style or movement of the 18th and 19th centuries inspired by and imitative of the Gothic style especially in architecture … New Collegiate Dictionary
Gothic Revival — /gɒθɪk rəˈvaɪvəl/ (say gothik ruh vuyvuhl) noun an 18th and 19th century style of art, architecture, etc., in imitation of medieval models …